The graduate program in Agriculture and Environment (PPGAA) aimed at improving the technical qualification, critical sense and humanistic training of faculty and students directly involved with the course and, indirectly, of farmers and other professionals in the field of agricultural sciences. The PPGAA relies on some findings of the current political, economic and social status of the country:
- the agricultural activity causes impacts of different orders, some positive and others negative, in economics, in social organization and in the environment;
- agriculture plays key role in the economy of Brazil and the expansion of its competitiveness and sustainability relates to scientific advances and the availability of technologies to the production sector, which can contribute to reducing regional inequalities and to the national development;
- the intensification of agricultural activities, fundamental for the development of the country, has provoked, in many areas, soil degradation processes that compromise the productivity of land quality of ecosystems and of regional landscapes, with negative impacts on the economy and social organization of regions affected;
- a graduate program has an excellent environment to update, creation and motivation to overcome challenges, aiming at the generation of technical alternatives for the production systems and to the advancement of technical knowledge.